Top 11 Signs A Ghost Is In Your Room | Paranormal Signs

Sitting in your room at night, do you ever feel like you are not alone? That there could be someone else there, watching over you, reaching out to you?
Have you ever wanted to find out if this is more than just a feeling, and if there really is some spirit or ghost hanging around you in your room, trying to make contact?
Sitting in your room at night, do you ever feel like you are not alone? That there could be someone else there, watching over you, reaching out to you?  Have you ever wanted to find out if this is more than just a feeling, and if there really is some spirit or ghost hanging around you in your room, trying to make contact?  Those bumps you hear in the middle of the night may be more than just creaky old pipes. Would you want to find out who it is, or what it is?  Ghosts and spirits manifest themselves in many different ways. Depending on their strength, their emotions and their presence, they might show themselves differently to humans.  Some use sound, some use sight, some use touch and others utilize emotions to make their presence know.  If you are experiencing one or more of these occurrences in your home that can’t be explained, you might have a haunted house.  A haunted house isn’t as scary as it seems – the spirit visiting you or your room could be good. It could be a lost loved one or a soul stuck between our world and the next.  Signs your room is haunted Don’t be stuck doubting whether or not a spirit is visiting you. Rather take the time to research the signs you are experiencing and find out for sure.  Not only will it give you peace of mind, but you could possibly take things further and explore who the spirit might be and why they may be contacting you. However, only do this in a safe and secure way.  You don’t want to be opening up a conversation with a spirit who has negative energy or bad intentions. A professional should be called in to help with that.  Here are some signs that there might be ghosts in your room:  1. Pay attention to your pets  Pets can pick up on sounds, vibrations, and energies that we cannot. If your pet starts acting out of the ordinary, starts barking at blank spaces or running and hiding, it might be a sign that a ghost is present.  Your dog will more than likely be frightened or threatened by the presence of a spirit and would act timid and defensive.  If they do this inexplicably and to areas of the room where there is nothing, it might be time to look for more signs of spirits.  2. Temperature dips Spirits and ghosts hold different energy to us humans. It is how they are able to exist as supernatural beings. This energy can sometimes cause there to be a dip in temperature when they are around.  One theory is that the spirits suck the heat out of the air to use as energy. Inexplicable cold spots in your room that come and go are a good sign that there is a spirit present.  If you want to read more about cold spots, check out my full article on the subject.   Check that no windows are open or no cooling is left on. This sign can be hard to pick up on because there are so many environmental factors that could affect the temperature in the room.  You can always use an infrared thermometer if you feel that your room may have cold spots, you can check out my guide on this here.   3. Noises in the night For some reason, spirits love to communicate with us at night. Maybe this is because the world is so quiet and they know they would be heard better, or because we are at a state of rest and can receive messages with less resistance.  Whatever the reason, some spirits like to make a noise to let us know they are around.  If there are random bumps in the night, knocking, scratching, coins dropping, or footsteps when nobody else is home, you might have a haunting.  To be sure, check that the noise isn’t coming from creaky old pipes or mice in your roof.  If you do think it could be from a ghost or spirit, be sure to get a spirit box, like this popular one from Amazon.  4. Disappearing and reappearing Sometimes ghosts can be quite mischievous. They like to cause a little bit of trouble and confusion for us.  One way that ghosts or spirits like to make their presence known is to take some small items that are of value to us and replace them all over the house.  Items like keys that are kept in the same place every day go missing, only for you to find them back in the right place the next day.  This is so relatable and happens to almost everyone. It is just a spirit trying to get your attention.  5. Closing doors This is a common way that spirits like to let us know they are around. Your door will suddenly slam with no gusts of wind and nobody slamming it shut.  It might be that spirits find it easy to manipulate the air and energy around the door to shut it, and it makes a loud enough noise for us to notice.  Some families have claimed that they have had a specific door that would close on its own, no matter how many times they opened it.  6. Flickering lights  This is possibly the scariest of them all, and one that we all recognize from horror films. Spirits can manipulate electronic currents easily, so it doesn’t take much effort for them to flicker some lights to let you know that they are around.  While this can be super freaky in the middle of the night, it is also easy for us to put it down to faulty wiring or a short power outage.  But this sign coupled with others can be quite convincing that you have a haunting in your house.  7. The feeling of being watched  Most people start out feeling this before noticing signs of a haunting. We are so aware of our own feelings and surroundings that we can tell when someone is watching us.  This can be really upsetting and it can seriously cause some disruption to your sleeping patterns.  It is like a sixth sense that flairs up when a spirit is around, something telling us that we are not alone.  Listen to this and trust your intuition. Once you accept this feeling, you might start noticing more and more signs of strange occurrences in your room  8. Stains For some reason, many hauntings come with stains. These could be in the form of stains on the walls, the floors or even furniture.  A theory is that these stains occurred when the spirit was actually alive, and they are merely a memory or representation of what happened in their life. Another physical piece of evidence for hauntings is seeing footprints or handprints on the floors and walls.  These are often there inexplicable and can be quite disturbing.  Other types of marks are writing – sometimes holding very disturbing messages, or in the case of a bad haunting – excessive scratch marks on the wall.  9. Unexplained shadows Every supernatural enthusiast has heard of the shadow people. They are beings that appear out of the corner of your eye, just a black shadow in human form, and once you turn to look, they disappear.  Seeing these shadows in your peripheral, even if they hold no shape, can be a good sign that there is a spirit present.  Sometimes appearing as a shadow is all the spirit can accomplish with limited energy, or it may be a way for them to ease you into accepting their unsettling presence in your home.  10. Kids acting strangely Children are so innocent. Their minds aren’t clouded with all the clutter that ours are.  This is one of the reasons why children are much more open to seeing and believing in spirits.  If a child in your house talks to someone who isn’t there or tells you stories of someone who doesn’t exist, don’t just write it off as an imaginary friend.  Dive a little deeper and ask questions. However, don’t encourage further contact.  While you don’t want to scare them, you don’t want them in communication with an evil spirit. Rather play it down and maybe seek professional help.  11. Being touched That really creepy feeling of someone brushing against your arm softly, or running their fingers through your hair, might not just be your imagination.  Sometimes, these feelings can be so faint that you might not even notice, but it could be a loved one trying to give you some comfort and to let you know that they are around.  It might take a great amount of energy for them to make you feel their touch, so appreciate it when it happens, and if it is surrounded by good energy and light, enjoy the closeness.  A Haunted Room It can be really upsetting to think that your room might be haunted, or that you may be sleeping next to a ghost. But don’t panic. Often these are just passing spirits or a lost loved on trying to make contact or watch over you.  If you ever have negative energy or feel like something is wrong, don’t encourage contact. Rather seek help from a professional to cleanse yourself and your room or house.  See how many signs you can pick up on in your room, and document them when they happen. It will help you keep track and make sense of things, and it would make for a really cool story! Paranormal Activity Signs. True Paranormal Activity Discussion, Signs, symptoms, demoniac horror videos, Horror ghost investigation and religious true origins about devil, iblis, jinn, debook etc.
Top 11 Signs A Ghost Is In Your Room | Paranormal Signs

Those bumps you hear in the middle of the night may be more than just creaky old pipes. Would you want to find out who it is, or what it is?

Ghosts and spirits manifest themselves in many different ways. Depending on their strength, their emotions and their presence, they might show themselves differently to humans.
Some use sound, some use sight, some use touch and others utilize emotions to make their presence know.
If you are experiencing one or more of these occurrences in your home that can’t be explained, you might have a haunted house.
A haunted house isn’t as scary as it seems – the spirit visiting you or your room could be good. It could be a lost loved one or a soul stuck between our world and the next.

Signs your room is haunted

Don’t be stuck doubting whether or not a spirit is visiting you. Rather take the time to research the signs you are experiencing and find out for sure.
Not only will it give you peace of mind, but you could possibly take things further and explore who the spirit might be and why they may be contacting you. However, only do this in a safe and secure way.
You don’t want to be opening up a conversation with a spirit who has negative energy or bad intentions. A professional should be called in to help with that.
Here are some signs that there might be ghosts in your room:

1. Pay attention to your pets 

Pets can pick up on sounds, vibrations, and energies that we cannot. If your pet starts acting out of the ordinary, starts barking at blank spaces or running and hiding, it might be a sign that a ghost is present.
Your dog will more than likely be frightened or threatened by the presence of a spirit and would act timid and defensive.
If they do this inexplicably and to areas of the room where there is nothing, it might be time to look for more signs of spirits.

2. Temperature dips

Spirits and ghosts hold different energy to us humans. It is how they are able to exist as supernatural beings. This energy can sometimes cause there to be a dip in temperature when they are around.
One theory is that the spirits suck the heat out of the air to use as energy. Inexplicable cold spots in your room that come and go are a good sign that there is a spirit present.
If you want to read more about cold spots, check out my full article on the subject
Check that no windows are open or no cooling is left on. This sign can be hard to pick up on because there are so many environmental factors that could affect the temperature in the room.
You can always use an infrared thermometer if you feel that your room may have cold spots, you can check out my guide on this here

3. Noises in the night

For some reason, spirits love to communicate with us at night. Maybe this is because the world is so quiet and they know they would be heard better, or because we are at a state of rest and can receive messages with less resistance.
Whatever the reason, some spirits like to make a noise to let us know they are around.
If there are random bumps in the night, knocking, scratching, coins dropping, or footsteps when nobody else is home, you might have a haunting.
To be sure, check that the noise isn’t coming from creaky old pipes or mice in your roof.
If you do think it could be from a ghost or spirit, be sure to get a spirit box, like this popular one from Amazon.

4. Disappearing and reappearing

Sometimes ghosts can be quite mischievous. They like to cause a little bit of trouble and confusion for us.
One way that ghosts or spirits like to make their presence known is to take some small items that are of value to us and replace them all over the house.
Items like keys that are kept in the same place every day go missing, only for you to find them back in the right place the next day.
This is so relatable and happens to almost everyone. It is just a spirit trying to get your attention.

5. Closing doors

This is a common way that spirits like to let us know they are around. Your door will suddenly slam with no gusts of wind and nobody slamming it shut.
It might be that spirits find it easy to manipulate the air and energy around the door to shut it, and it makes a loud enough noise for us to notice.
Some families have claimed that they have had a specific door that would close on its own, no matter how many times they opened it.

6. Flickering lights 

This is possibly the scariest of them all, and one that we all recognize from horror films. Spirits can manipulate electronic currents easily, so it doesn’t take much effort for them to flicker some lights to let you know that they are around.
While this can be super freaky in the middle of the night, it is also easy for us to put it down to faulty wiring or a short power outage.
But this sign coupled with others can be quite convincing that you have a haunting in your house.

7. The feeling of being watched 

Most people start out feeling this before noticing signs of a haunting. We are so aware of our own feelings and surroundings that we can tell when someone is watching us.
This can be really upsetting and it can seriously cause some disruption to your sleeping patterns.
It is like a sixth sense that flairs up when a spirit is around, something telling us that we are not alone.
Listen to this and trust your intuition. Once you accept this feeling, you might start noticing more and more signs of strange occurrences in your room

8. Stains

For some reason, many hauntings come with stains. These could be in the form of stains on the walls, the floors or even furniture.
A theory is that these stains occurred when the spirit was actually alive, and they are merely a memory or representation of what happened in their life. Another physical piece of evidence for hauntings is seeing footprints or handprints on the floors and walls.
These are often there inexplicable and can be quite disturbing.
Other types of marks are writing – sometimes holding very disturbing messages, or in the case of a bad haunting – excessive scratch marks on the wall.

9. Unexplained shadows

Every supernatural enthusiast has heard of the shadow people. They are beings that appear out of the corner of your eye, just a black shadow in human form, and once you turn to look, they disappear.
Seeing these shadows in your peripheral, even if they hold no shape, can be a good sign that there is a spirit present.
Sometimes appearing as a shadow is all the spirit can accomplish with limited energy, or it may be a way for them to ease you into accepting their unsettling presence in your home.

10. Kids acting strangely

Children are so innocent. Their minds aren’t clouded with all the clutter that ours are.
This is one of the reasons why children are much more open to seeing and believing in spirits.
If a child in your house talks to someone who isn’t there or tells you stories of someone who doesn’t exist, don’t just write it off as an imaginary friend.
Dive a little deeper and ask questions. However, don’t encourage further contact.
While you don’t want to scare them, you don’t want them in communication with an evil spirit. Rather play it down and maybe seek professional help.

11. Being touched

That really creepy feeling of someone brushing against your arm softly, or running their fingers through your hair, might not just be your imagination.
Sometimes, these feelings can be so faint that you might not even notice, but it could be a loved one trying to give you some comfort and to let you know that they are around.
It might take a great amount of energy for them to make you feel their touch, so appreciate it when it happens, and if it is surrounded by good energy and light, enjoy the closeness.

A Haunted Room

It can be really upsetting to think that your room might be haunted, or that you may be sleeping next to a ghost. But don’t panic. Often these are just passing spirits or a lost loved on trying to make contact or watch over you.
If you ever have negative energy or feel like something is wrong, don’t encourage contact. Rather seek help from a professional to cleanse yourself and your room or house.
See how many signs you can pick up on in your room, and document them when they happen. It will help you keep track and make sense of things, and it would make for a really cool story!

Top 16 Signs that your House is Haunted | Paranormal Signs

How do you know if that persistent rapping on your walls is bad plumbing or a mischievous spirit? Here are some of the signs of a haunting..

How do you know if that persistent rapping on your walls is bad plumbing or a mischievous spirit? Here are some of the signs of a haunting..   Top 16 Signs that your House is Haunted | Paranormal Signs    You hear heavy footsteps in the upstairs hallway when you know no one is up there. Doors slam unaccountably. Commonly used items disappear and reappear without cause. The kitchen light turns on by itself. There's the unmistakable scent of a strange perfume in the air.  These may be indications that your house is haunted. True hauntings are rare occurrences, and it may be difficult to determine whether or not any strange phenomena you are experiencing in your home might be due to a haunting. For one thing, no one really knows what a "real" haunting is - what causes it or why it starts. There are many theories, of course, which we have discussed in this space in the article "Ghosts: What Are They?" But if you think your house may really be haunted, what can you do about it?  THE SIGNS OF A HAUNTING The first step is to determine, as best you can, whether or not you truly have a legitimate case of a haunting. Not all hauntings are alike, and they may exhibit a variety of phenomena. Some hauntings feature a single phenomenon - such as a particular door slamming shut that occurs repeatedly - while others consist of many different phenomena, ranging from odd noises to full-blown apparitions. Here's a partial list of phenomena that might indicate that your house is haunted:  Unexplained noises - footsteps; knocks, banging, rapping; scratching sounds; sounds of something being dropped. Sometimes these noises can be subtle and other times they can be quite loud. Doors, cabinets and cupboards opening and closing - most often, these phenomena are not seen directly. The experiencer either hears the distinct sounds of the doors opening and closing (homeowners get to know quite well the distinctive sounds their houses make) or the experiencer will return to a room to find a door open or closed when they are certain that it was left in the opposite position. Sometimes furniture, like kitchen chairs, are perceived to have been moved. Very rarely will the experiencer actually witness the phenomenon taking place. Lights turning off and on - likewise, these events are seldom seen actually occurring, but the lights are switched on or off when the experiencer knows they were not left that way. This can also happen with TVs, radios and other electrically powered items. Items disappearing and reappearing - this phenomenon, which we have dubbed "the DOPler Effect" (DOP = Disappearing Object Phenomenon), has been examined in the article "The DOPler Effect." Others have called this "the borrowers" phenomenon, and it's the familiar experience of not being able to find a regularly used item - say, your set of car keys - which you believe you placed in a spot you routinely place them. But they're gone and you look high and low for them with no success. Some time later, the keys are found - in exactly the place you normally put them. It's as if the object was borrowed by someone or something for a short time, then returned. Sometimes they are not returned for days or even weeks, but when they are, it's in an obvious place that could not have been missed by even a casual search. Unexplained shadows - the sighting of fleeting shapes and shadows, usually seen out of the corner of the eye. This phenomenon has also been discussed in some detail in "Shadow People." Many times, the shadows have vaguely human forms, while other times they are less distinguishable or smaller. Strange animal behavior - a dog, cat or other pet behaves strangely. Dogs may bark at something unseen, cower without apparent reason or refuse to enter a room they normally do. Cats may seem to be "watching" something cross a room. Animals have sharper senses than humans, and many researchers think their psychic abilities might be more finely tuned also.  Feelings of being watched - this is not an uncommon feeling and can be attributed to many things, but it could have a paranormal source if the feeling consistently occurs in a particular part of the house at a particular time. Those are some of the most common experiences of those who think their houses are haunted. Yet even stranger things can happen...  STRONGER EVIDENCE  The following phenomena are more rare, but could be stronger evidence of a haunting:  Mild psychokinetic phenomena - hearing a door open or close is one thing. Actually seeing it happen is quite another. Similarly, actually seeing a light go on or off by itself is greater proof that something unexplained is happening. Do you see the TV or radio turn on? Or perhaps you're present when a child's powered toy begins to operate on its own. Doors and windows are locked or unlocked. Some people report that when they are in bed they can feel and/or hear something sitting on the bed. Feelings of being touched - the feeling of being watched is one thing, and actually feeling like you are being touched is quite another. Some people feel something brush past them, something touching their hair or "a hand" on the shoulder. Some feel a gentle poke, push or nudge. Cries and whispers - on occasion, muffled voices, whispering and crying can be heard. Sometimes it's music from some unknown source. People hear their names being said. This phenomenon, as is true for the one above, gains more credibility if more than one person hears or sees the same thing at the same time. Cold or hot spots - cold spots are classic haunting symptoms, but any instance of a noticeable variance in temperature without a discernable cause could be evidence. Unexplained smells - the distinct fragrance of a perfume or cologne that you do not have in your house. This phenomenon comes and goes without any apparent cause and may accompany other phenomena, such as shadows, voices or psychokinetic phenomena. Foul odors can happen in the same way.  Rarer still are more extreme phenomena, some of which have been called poltergeist phenomena, and can be quite strong evidence of a true haunting:    Top 16 Signs that your House is Haunted | Paranormal Signs   Moving or levitating objects (severe psychokinetic phenomena) - dinner plates sliding across the table; pictures flying off walls; doors slamming shut with great force; furniture sliding across the floor. Physical assault - scratches, slaps and hard shoves. This kind of personal assault is extremely rare, but obviously highly disturbing. Other physical evidence - unexplained writing on paper or walls; handprints and footprints. Apparitions - physical manifestation of a spirit or entity. These phenomena are also very rare and can take many forms: human-shaped mists or forming mists of some indistinguishable shape; transparent human forms that disappear quickly; and most rarely, human forms that look as real and solid as any living person, but that disappear into a room or even while being viewed. Paranormal Activity Signs. True Paranormal Activity Discussion, Signs, symptoms, demoniac horror videos, Horror ghost investigation and religious true origins about devil, iblis, jinn, debook etc.
Top 16 Signs that your House is Haunted | Paranormal Signs 

You hear heavy footsteps in the upstairs hallway when you know no one is up there. Doors slam unaccountably. Commonly used items disappear and reappear without cause. The kitchen light turns on by itself. There's the unmistakable scent of a strange perfume in the air.

These may be indications that your house is haunted. True hauntings are rare occurrences, and it may be difficult to determine whether or not any strange phenomena you are experiencing in your home might be due to a haunting. For one thing, no one really knows what a "real" haunting is - what causes it or why it starts. There are many theories, of course, which we have discussed in this space in the article "Ghosts: What Are They?" But if you think your house may really be haunted, what can you do about it?


The first step is to determine, as best you can, whether or not you truly have a legitimate case of a haunting. Not all hauntings are alike, and they may exhibit a variety of phenomena. Some hauntings feature a single phenomenon - such as a particular door slamming shut that occurs repeatedly - while others consist of many different phenomena, ranging from odd noises to full-blown apparitions.
Here's a partial list of phenomena that might indicate that your house is haunted:

  • Unexplained noises - footsteps; knocks, banging, rapping; scratching sounds; sounds of something being dropped. Sometimes these noises can be subtle and other times they can be quite loud.
  • Doors, cabinets and cupboards opening and closing - most often, these phenomena are not seen directly. The experiencer either hears the distinct sounds of the doors opening and closing (homeowners get to know quite well the distinctive sounds their houses make) or the experiencer will return to a room to find a door open or closed when they are certain that it was left in the opposite position. Sometimes furniture, like kitchen chairs, are perceived to have been moved. Very rarely will the experiencer actually witness the phenomenon taking place.
  • Lights turning off and on - likewise, these events are seldom seen actually occurring, but the lights are switched on or off when the experiencer knows they were not left that way. This can also happen with TVs, radios and other electrically powered items.
  • Items disappearing and reappearing - this phenomenon, which we have dubbed "the DOPler Effect" (DOP = Disappearing Object Phenomenon), has been examined in the article "The DOPler Effect." Others have called this "the borrowers" phenomenon, and it's the familiar experience of not being able to find a regularly used item - say, your set of car keys - which you believe you placed in a spot you routinely place them. But they're gone and you look high and low for them with no success. Some time later, the keys are found - in exactly the place you normally put them. It's as if the object was borrowed by someone or something for a short time, then returned. Sometimes they are not returned for days or even weeks, but when they are, it's in an obvious place that could not have been missed by even a casual search.
  • Unexplained shadows - the sighting of fleeting shapes and shadows, usually seen out of the corner of the eye. This phenomenon has also been discussed in some detail in "Shadow People." Many times, the shadows have vaguely human forms, while other times they are less distinguishable or smaller.
  • Strange animal behavior - a dog, cat or other pet behaves strangely. Dogs may bark at something unseen, cower without apparent reason or refuse to enter a room they normally do. Cats may seem to be "watching" something cross a room. Animals have sharper senses than humans, and many researchers think their psychic abilities might be more finely tuned also. 
  • Feelings of being watched - this is not an uncommon feeling and can be attributed to many things, but it could have a paranormal source if the feeling consistently occurs in a particular part of the house at a particular time.

Those are some of the most common experiences of those who think their houses are haunted. Yet even stranger things can happen...


The following phenomena are more rare, but could be stronger evidence of a haunting:

  • Mild psychokinetic phenomena - hearing a door open or close is one thing. Actually seeing it happen is quite another. Similarly, actually seeing a light go on or off by itself is greater proof that something unexplained is happening. Do you see the TV or radio turn on? Or perhaps you're present when a child's powered toy begins to operate on its own. Doors and windows are locked or unlocked. Some people report that when they are in bed they can feel and/or hear something sitting on the bed.
  • Feelings of being touched - the feeling of being watched is one thing, and actually feeling like you are being touched is quite another. Some people feel something brush past them, something touching their hair or "a hand" on the shoulder. Some feel a gentle poke, push or nudge.
  • Cries and whispers - on occasion, muffled voices, whispering and crying can be heard. Sometimes it's music from some unknown source. People hear their names being said. This phenomenon, as is true for the one above, gains more credibility if more than one person hears or sees the same thing at the same time.
  • Cold or hot spots - cold spots are classic haunting symptoms, but any instance of a noticeable variance in temperature without a discernable cause could be evidence.
  • Unexplained smells - the distinct fragrance of a perfume or cologne that you do not have in your house. This phenomenon comes and goes without any apparent cause and may accompany other phenomena, such as shadows, voices or psychokinetic phenomena. Foul odors can happen in the same way.

Rarer still are more extreme phenomena, some of which have been called poltergeist phenomena, and can be quite strong evidence of a true haunting:

How do you know if that persistent rapping on your walls is bad plumbing or a mischievous spirit? Here are some of the signs of a haunting..   Top 16 Signs that your House is Haunted | Paranormal Signs    You hear heavy footsteps in the upstairs hallway when you know no one is up there. Doors slam unaccountably. Commonly used items disappear and reappear without cause. The kitchen light turns on by itself. There's the unmistakable scent of a strange perfume in the air.  These may be indications that your house is haunted. True hauntings are rare occurrences, and it may be difficult to determine whether or not any strange phenomena you are experiencing in your home might be due to a haunting. For one thing, no one really knows what a "real" haunting is - what causes it or why it starts. There are many theories, of course, which we have discussed in this space in the article "Ghosts: What Are They?" But if you think your house may really be haunted, what can you do about it?  THE SIGNS OF A HAUNTING The first step is to determine, as best you can, whether or not you truly have a legitimate case of a haunting. Not all hauntings are alike, and they may exhibit a variety of phenomena. Some hauntings feature a single phenomenon - such as a particular door slamming shut that occurs repeatedly - while others consist of many different phenomena, ranging from odd noises to full-blown apparitions. Here's a partial list of phenomena that might indicate that your house is haunted:  Unexplained noises - footsteps; knocks, banging, rapping; scratching sounds; sounds of something being dropped. Sometimes these noises can be subtle and other times they can be quite loud. Doors, cabinets and cupboards opening and closing - most often, these phenomena are not seen directly. The experiencer either hears the distinct sounds of the doors opening and closing (homeowners get to know quite well the distinctive sounds their houses make) or the experiencer will return to a room to find a door open or closed when they are certain that it was left in the opposite position. Sometimes furniture, like kitchen chairs, are perceived to have been moved. Very rarely will the experiencer actually witness the phenomenon taking place. Lights turning off and on - likewise, these events are seldom seen actually occurring, but the lights are switched on or off when the experiencer knows they were not left that way. This can also happen with TVs, radios and other electrically powered items. Items disappearing and reappearing - this phenomenon, which we have dubbed "the DOPler Effect" (DOP = Disappearing Object Phenomenon), has been examined in the article "The DOPler Effect." Others have called this "the borrowers" phenomenon, and it's the familiar experience of not being able to find a regularly used item - say, your set of car keys - which you believe you placed in a spot you routinely place them. But they're gone and you look high and low for them with no success. Some time later, the keys are found - in exactly the place you normally put them. It's as if the object was borrowed by someone or something for a short time, then returned. Sometimes they are not returned for days or even weeks, but when they are, it's in an obvious place that could not have been missed by even a casual search. Unexplained shadows - the sighting of fleeting shapes and shadows, usually seen out of the corner of the eye. This phenomenon has also been discussed in some detail in "Shadow People." Many times, the shadows have vaguely human forms, while other times they are less distinguishable or smaller. Strange animal behavior - a dog, cat or other pet behaves strangely. Dogs may bark at something unseen, cower without apparent reason or refuse to enter a room they normally do. Cats may seem to be "watching" something cross a room. Animals have sharper senses than humans, and many researchers think their psychic abilities might be more finely tuned also.  Feelings of being watched - this is not an uncommon feeling and can be attributed to many things, but it could have a paranormal source if the feeling consistently occurs in a particular part of the house at a particular time. Those are some of the most common experiences of those who think their houses are haunted. Yet even stranger things can happen...  STRONGER EVIDENCE  The following phenomena are more rare, but could be stronger evidence of a haunting:  Mild psychokinetic phenomena - hearing a door open or close is one thing. Actually seeing it happen is quite another. Similarly, actually seeing a light go on or off by itself is greater proof that something unexplained is happening. Do you see the TV or radio turn on? Or perhaps you're present when a child's powered toy begins to operate on its own. Doors and windows are locked or unlocked. Some people report that when they are in bed they can feel and/or hear something sitting on the bed. Feelings of being touched - the feeling of being watched is one thing, and actually feeling like you are being touched is quite another. Some people feel something brush past them, something touching their hair or "a hand" on the shoulder. Some feel a gentle poke, push or nudge. Cries and whispers - on occasion, muffled voices, whispering and crying can be heard. Sometimes it's music from some unknown source. People hear their names being said. This phenomenon, as is true for the one above, gains more credibility if more than one person hears or sees the same thing at the same time. Cold or hot spots - cold spots are classic haunting symptoms, but any instance of a noticeable variance in temperature without a discernable cause could be evidence. Unexplained smells - the distinct fragrance of a perfume or cologne that you do not have in your house. This phenomenon comes and goes without any apparent cause and may accompany other phenomena, such as shadows, voices or psychokinetic phenomena. Foul odors can happen in the same way.  Rarer still are more extreme phenomena, some of which have been called poltergeist phenomena, and can be quite strong evidence of a true haunting:    Top 16 Signs that your House is Haunted | Paranormal Signs   Moving or levitating objects (severe psychokinetic phenomena) - dinner plates sliding across the table; pictures flying off walls; doors slamming shut with great force; furniture sliding across the floor. Physical assault - scratches, slaps and hard shoves. This kind of personal assault is extremely rare, but obviously highly disturbing. Other physical evidence - unexplained writing on paper or walls; handprints and footprints. Apparitions - physical manifestation of a spirit or entity. These phenomena are also very rare and can take many forms: human-shaped mists or forming mists of some indistinguishable shape; transparent human forms that disappear quickly; and most rarely, human forms that look as real and solid as any living person, but that disappear into a room or even while being viewed. Paranormal Activity Signs. True Paranormal Activity Discussion, Signs, symptoms, demoniac horror videos, Horror ghost investigation and religious true origins about devil, iblis, jinn, debook etc.
Top 16 Signs that your House is Haunted | Paranormal Signs 

  • Moving or levitating objects (severe psychokinetic phenomena) - dinner plates sliding across the table; pictures flying off walls; doors slamming shut with great force; furniture sliding across the floor.
  • Physical assault - scratches, slaps and hard shoves. This kind of personal assault is extremely rare, but obviously highly disturbing.
  • Other physical evidence - unexplained writing on paper or walls; handprints and footprints.
  • Apparitions - physical manifestation of a spirit or entity. These phenomena are also very rare and can take many forms: human-shaped mists or forming mists of some indistinguishable shape; transparent human forms that disappear quickly; and most rarely, human forms that look as real and solid as any living person, but that disappear into a room or even while being viewed.

Protect Yourself From Evil Jinns and Black Magic | PASBD


I’m torn. Sometimes I think there’s a power in belief. That just by acknowledging something’s existence, you’re giving it relevance, even substance.

On the other hand, I know I can’t just force myself to not think about djinns while I’m in their lands. Heck, telling me not to think about something is pretty much guaranteeing it’ll be top of mind the entire time we’re in Fès.

There’s even one to recite, ahem, before you have sex.
So, I ultimately decided to investigate ways to protect yourself from djinns (also called jinns and, to most Westerners, genies).

Not that I think we’re really in any danger — or that these superstitions will actually help prevent something bad from happening.

But heck, after what happened last time, I figure it sure couldn’t hurt.

Pages from the Iran Islam Temtem-e Hendi Pictorial Book on Talisman, Charm & Mysterious Sciences in Persian (Farsi ): Instructions on What to Do to Put Demons & Genie ( Jinni ) Under Your Control & Info About How to Make Brass Plates to Avoid Black Magic & Use White Magic


A lot of the sites I found during my research focused on prayers to Allah for protection, such as this one:

“I seek refuge in Allah from you. I curse you with the curse of Allah.”

That seems a bit extreme — maybe it’s best to keep that one as backup if things get particularly dire.

This is one you recite upon leaving your house:

“In the name of Allah, I place my trust in Allah. There is no solution, no way out and no power except by Allah.”

There’s even one to recite, ahem, before you have sex:

“In the name of Allah, O Allah! Keep us away from Shaytaan [Satan] and keep Shaytaan away from what you bestow upon us.”

This assures that if a baby is conceived, Satan will never dare harm it. It also prevents a djinni from “taking part in a man’s sexual intercourse with his wife,” according to IdealMuslimah.

Here’s a nice general-purpose prayer that works all day long. Say this upon rising in the morning, and you’re said to be protected from djinns until you retire in the evening:

“I seek refuge in Allah from Satan the outcast. Allah! There is none worthy of worship but he, the ever-living, the one who sustains and protects all that exists. Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes him. To him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the Earth. Who is he that can intercede with him except with his permission? He knows what happens to them in this world, and what will happen to them in the hereafter. And they will never encompass anything of his knowledge except that which he wills. His throne extends over the heavens and the Earth, and he feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. And he is the Most High, the Most Great.”

Here it is in Arabic:

أَعُوذُ بِاللهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ "اللهُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ لَا تَأْخُذُهُ سِنَةٌ وَلَا نَوْمٌ لَهُ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا فِي الْأَرْضِ مَنْ ذَا الَّذِي يَشْفَعُ عِنْدَهُ إِلَّا بِإِذْنِهِ يَعْلَمُ مَا بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمَا خَلْفَهُمْ وَلَا يُحِيطُونَ بِشَيْءٍ مِنْ عِلْمِهِ إِلَّا بِمَا شَاءَ وَسِعَ كُرْسِيُّهُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ وَلَا يَئُودُهُ حِفْظُهُمَا وَهُوَ الْعَلِيُّ الْعَظِيمُ

'A 'oothu billaahi minash-Shaytaanir-rajeem. Allaahu laa 'ilaaha 'illaa Huwal-Hayyul-Qayyoom, laa ta'khuthuhu sinatun wa laa nawm, lahu maa fis-samaawaati wa maa fil-'ardh, man thai-lathee yashfa'u 'indahu 'illaa bi'ithnih, ya'lamu maa bayna 'aydeehim wa maa khalfahum, wa laa yuheetoona bishay'im-min 'ilmihi 'illaa bimaa shaa'a, wasi'a kursiyyuhus samaawaati wal'ardh, wa laa ya'ooduhu hifdhuhumaa, wa Huwal- 'Aliyyul- 'Adheem

This is the one Duke and I ended up reciting every morning before we left the riad. And we didn't have one bad djinni experience! It works!

Here's another, though, to play it safe:

“In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment, thee do we serve and thee do we beseech for help. Keep us on the right path. The path of those upon whom thou has bestowed favors — not of those upon whom thy wrath is brought down, nor of those who go astray.”

And one more for good measure:

“I seek refuge in the Lord of the Dawn from the evil of what he has created. And from the evil of the utterly dark night when it comes. And from the evil of those who blow on knots. And from the evil of the envious when he envies.”

Wonder what that blowing on knots is all about? It appears to be a term for (and practice of) the secrets arts of sorcery.

The black king of the djinns, Al-Malik al-Aswad, in the late 14th-century Kitab al-Bulhan or Book of Wonders

Finally, I found some types of protection aside from spoken prayers or spells:

The Prophet (peace and blessing upon him) said, “Whoever eats seven pressed dates every morning before eating any food, will not be affected by poison or sihr [witchcraft]!”

Preferably, you’re eating ajwa, a kind of date grown in Madinah, Saudi Arabia.

This is from Al-Bukhari, one of the major collections of Sunni Islam: 10/249, the Book of Medicine, Chapter: Treatment of Sorcery With 'Ajwah.)

ablution (wudu)

First think about your niyyah (intention) in performing ablution to cleanse yourself of impurities.

Say, “Bismillah,” which means “in the name of Allah.”

Wash your right hand up to the wrist (and between the fingers) three times.

Repeat with the left hand.

Rinse your mouth and spit out the water three times and rub the teeth with a miswak, a teeth-cleaning twig.

This site has a more elaborate form of wudu that includes putting water up your nose and washing your feet.

Do this and you’ll be protected by an angel and therefore immune to black magic.

potty prepping

Apparently, Satan likes to lurk in bathrooms. So before you go in, you might want to say, “O Allah! I seek refuge in you from the male/female Satans.” The Devil apparently likes to hide in “this filthy place, which is the home of Satanic jinn,” according to Al-Bukhari. 

I'm not saying I'll follow all of this advice…but I do feel that I'm going back onto the djinns' turf better.